Anna Clarke - Artist and Gut Health Specialist

Artist and Gut Health Specialist

Empowering you to CREATE NOURISH HEAL to prioritise your Health and Wellbeing.

As an Artist I create purely for the joy of sharing my work and practice and as a Gut Health Specialist I offer my expertise to help nourish your gut with my 21 Days to Detox programmes.


I create, purely for the joy of creating something and sharing it.

I Create to Nourish & Heal myself, as I’ve recognised that I’m at my most mindful when creating in my studio.

My mission is to share my creative practice to support mindfulness

CLICK HERE to View my Artwork


I am the woman who put my 7 years of suffering with a chronic disease into remission after just 21 days.

Learn how my 21 Days to Detox can help heal your gut too

CLICK HERE for my 21 Days to Detox


“We both enjoyed the Purify programme. I definitely have more energy, more motivated, and calmer. I have more focus, and mental clarity.  I got the wordle in two goes today. We have both lost weight  and also our resting heart rate has decreased.”

Adi and Chris Mechen

CLICK HERE to read more Customer Testimonials


I create, purely for the joy of creating something and sharing it.
I Create to Nourish & Heal myself, as I’ve recognised that I’m at my most mindful when creating in my studio.
My mission is to share my creative practice to support mindfulness
CLICK HERE to View my Artwork


I am the woman who put my 7 years of suffering with a chronic disease into remission after just 21 days.

Learn how my 21 Days to Detox can help heal your gut too

CLICK HERE for my 21 Days to Detox


“We both enjoyed the Purify programme. I definitely have more energy, more motivated, and calmer. I have more focus, and mental clarity.  I got the wordle in two goes today. We have both lost weight  and also our resting heart rate has decreased.”

Adi and Chris Mechen

CLICK HERE to read more Customer Testimonials

Hi, I’m Anna Clarke and, like Hal Elrod, I’m loving my Dream Life as an Artist and Gut Health Specialist having spent the last 2 years transitioning from my Dream Job.

Hal Elrod

To discover more about my 2 year transition, please click the links below:


Anna Clarke fashion brand ambassador to artist

From a fashion brand ambassador to Mixed Media artist


Anna Clarke prioritising health and happiness

From Ambition and Challenge to Prioritising my family’s Health and Happiness


Anna Clarke helping local community

From mentor to volunteer, helping others in the local community

Click here to Contact me or to Book a Free 30 min Consultation